Practical information

Practical information

The conference is using an integrated virtual platform, PheedLoop, which contains tools to support the virtual meeting.

Access to virtual platform (PheedLoop)


See video instructions for presenters

Instructions for session chairs

How to start your live session as a speaker

How to upload a file and do a poster Q&A

Instructions for full oral presentations

Oral presentations will have a 15-minute time slot. Each presenter must prepare a PowerPoint or PDF slide presentation of 11 minutes maximum. The presentation will be followed by 3.5 minutes of live Q&A.

Instructions for poster presentations

Posters will first be introduced briefly in a poster overview session. Each poster presenter must prepare a PowerPoint/PDF presentation of a maximum of 2:45 minutes. We urge you to prepare three slides maximum! Rather than attempting to explain the whole poster in 2:45 minutes, you should give only an introductory overview, that incites the audience to visit you and your poster for deeper discussion in the subsequent full poster session. 

Posters must be uploaded to a poster portal in our virtual platform Pheedloop – you should have received a welcome email that give you access to this portal. Once log-in, you will find the “speaker instruction” on whereabout to upload the poster file (PDF). Are you missing the welcome mail? Please check your spam mailbox.

The poster overview sessions will be followed by a full poster exhibition with live Q&A where you have a 30 minute time slot for one-to-one discussions with the audience making virtual visits to your poster. See instructions for poster Q&A
12 DECEMBER 2024